My wife and I in Yakima
I owe my interest in photography to Taylor Caffery, my grandpa, who traveled the world and lived his passion for photography.  In 1999 I inherited his Canon T90 and, through film and digital eras, haven't put down a camera since.  The work you see here is my joy - and I hope that with my work you will find a window to the world that inspires you!
Featured in
WA Magazine
Budget Travel Magazine
Outdoor Life Magazine
US Airway Magazine
Executive Traveler Magazine
Big Easy Magazine
Nissan Motors
Legends Casino
Pacific Northwest University
Yakima Santa
Roy Farms
The Engagency
Burrows Tractor
The Creole Skillet
All-State Electric
Baxter Construction
Crescent H HOA
Services donated to
Yakima Valley Society for Cultural Education
Life Options